Austin Convocational Steering Committee
October 17, 2004

Attendees: Roger Wines, Diane Greer, Resurrection; Jill Touchstone, St Luke's on the Lake; Carol Price, Steve Ryder, Dyke Miller, St. Matthew’s; Jerry Lyle, St. Richards

Roger Wines opened with a prayer. Jerry Lyle called meeting to order.

The Treasurer's Job Description was reviewed. All agreed it was fine as is.

New Business:
Diane Greer gave the Treasurer’s Report: (see attached Treasurer's Report as of September 30, 2004 and Adopted Budget ).
Our September balance is $763. Diane presented a proposed 2005 budget. There was much discussion. Steve Ryder asked that (since there were no requests from women's KAIROS this year because TDCJ has temporarily shut down KAIROS in Women's units) that the one sponsorship of the three not used this year be rolled over to next year and that we budget 4 scholarships (two men, two women) for 2005.
Carol Price moved that we adopt the revised budget. Dyke Miller 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.

Carol Price gave a report from the Secretariat: (see attached)

Steve will post job descriptions for Parish Contact, Convocational Contact*, and Convocational Rep* on the website. *Note: these positions will be open for the Austin Convocation as of 2/05.

Jerry encouraged as many Steering Committee members as possible to attend Clausuras to show support for new Cursillistas.