Austin Convocational Steering Committee
October 11, 2015

Attendees: Tulisha Carson (Grace, Georgetown), Pat Henderson (Grace, Georgetown), Randy Johnson (St. Marys, Lampassas), Helen Paulsen (Resurrection), Peggy Ryder (St. Matthews), Steve Ryder (St. Matthews), Paul Wendele (Grace, Georgetown)

Chaired by Helen Paulson.

Treasurer's report:
  • Balance of $1030.79. Offering 10-11 $103.00: New Balance: $1133.79.

    Randy Johnson moved approval of June minutes. Paul Wendele 2nd. Motion passed.

    Peggy Ryder moved that we pay Kairos Hughes + Lane Murray $150 each. Tulisha 2nd. Motion passed.

    Tulisha moved that we support the Nov Team, if asked up to $500. Randy Johnson 2nd. Motion passed.

    Tabled discussion of additional $250 for Diocese.

    November Ultraya is still TBA, but expected to be at All Saints.

    Steve Ryder closed with prayer.

    Postscript from Treasurer. Payment of $300 was made to support Team Fees.

    Kairos Payments were NOT made as both weekends were over. Treasurer suggests payment be made in Spring 2016 for #38 and #19 respectively.

    Note: Nov 15 Ultreya offering was $115.00, making balance $948.79.