Austin Convocational Steering Committee
September 14, 2014

Attendees: Jan Buntebart (Christ Church, Cedar Park), Tulisha Carson (St. Mary's, Lampasas), Pat Henderson (Grace, Georgetown), Patty Murray (Epihany Burnet), Helen Paulsen (Resurrection), Peggy Ryder (St. Matthews), Steve Ryder (St. Matthews).

Chaired by Helen Paulsen.

Pat Henderson opened with prayer.

Tulisha moved approval of June minutes, Peggy second, minutes approved.

Treasurer's report:
  • Balance of $716.54.

    Tulisha moved that $500 be paid to Cursillo DoT Secretariat. Pat Henderson 2nd. Motion passed by acclamation.

    After Ultreya donations of $128.55 and writing check for $500, our balance is $345.09.

    Tulisha gave Secreatatiat Report: to be included when received from Tulisha... ;>)

    Steve closed with prayer.