Austin Convocational Steering Committee
November 11, 2007

Attendees: Diane Greer, Jeanette Holahan, Steve Ryder, Jim Slaughter, Lesli Whitfield.

Jeanette chaired. Steve Ryder opened with prayer.

Diane moved approval of September minutes as corrected, Lesli 2nd. Minutes approved.

Diane presented November 2007 Secretariat Report.
Two important items:
  • Convocational dues are going up to $200
  • Cost of Cursillo is going up to $225 per person.

    Diane presented Treasurer's Report: Balances Detail
    Diane presented the proposed budget for 2008. Steve moved to accept as proposed, Lesli 2nd. Budget was approved.

    Jim moved that Linda Pemberton be approved as Secretariat Rep and Lesli Whitfield be approved as Treasurer. Steve 2nd. Motion passed by acclamation.

    Action Items: Jeanette will contact each church rep scheduled for 2008 Ultreya to verify date is OK.
    Steve will update posted Ultreya Planning Guide to indicate "payment will be made by check to babysitters".
    Lesli and Diane will get signed Authority for Lesli and Jeanette delivered to Texas Health Credit Union for the Austin Cursillo checking account.

    There was some discussion about creating a contact email database as well as issues related to lack of a Registration database.

    Diane closed with prayer.